
Showing posts that were tagged with süd amerika.
  • Neue Alben: Europa und Süd Amerika Der Frühjahrsputz geht weiter. Nach einigen Jahren schaffen es Galerien aus Ländern von nah und fern: Bilder aus Bolivien, Frankreich, Monaco, Spanien, Ungarn und der Slowakei. Hierbei handelt sich um bisher unveröffentlichtes Material auf dem Weblog, also reinschauen lohnt sich. Aber seid gewarnt, die Bilder könnten das Fernweh nähren!
  • South America Trip - Detail Part 2 Right now, as I am writing this, I am sitting on the airplane somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean back home to Europe. A long trip is over and after almost five weeks of traveling, I have seen a lot and opened my horizon even more. It is the second part of my detailed story and short resume of my trip in South America.
  • Carneval in Rio de Janeiro Right now I am in Rio de Janeiro, the center of Carneval :-) There's a lot of party going on here and I am about to explore the city more! Before coming here, I've seen Salar de Uyuni which was amazing and the city of Sucre and Potosi (the highest city in the world). So far, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Dominik
  • A couple of days in Peru I've spent now a couple of days in Peru and they were amazing. Together with Vivi, I discoverd Machu Piccu which was definetly one of the highlights of the trip so far. I really enjoy the stay here, but as time as passing by, I have to say good bye to Peru already by tomorrow to go on a 1,5 day trip by bus to Sala de Uyuni, Bolivia. From Peru, Cuso - Dominik
  • A few pictures of the trip I've selected some pictures from the first week travelling in Brasil and Bolivia. Sao Paulo, Santa Cruz, Bueno Vista, La Paz and Valle de la Luna. In this blog article you'll find pictures only - For the story please refer to the article "First week in South America".
  • South America Trip - Detail Part 1 It's now been almost a week since I am travelling in South America. Together with Viviana I am currently in La Paz, Bolivia - one of the higest cities in the world - But one after the other... See inside article for more details :) [Pictures will follow soon]
  • Nik's tour: An Austrian Announces This is my frequently updated blog entry in which I report about my journies all over the world. You can also access this article directly by entering the URL or hitting the "nik's tour" button in the "Aktionen" area. At the moment, I just assembled a list of places I have already been to, so check this article out more often for updates ;-)
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