Montreal, my first stop on my tour through Canada. I flew there directly from Vienna and after eight hours sitting in the plane and six hours in a different time zone I reached my goal: Canada. I started in the "cultural" capital city in the province Quebec, the frensh part of Canada. Montreal itself is almost balanced with english and frensh speaking people, so it's not a problem to not speak frensh. The first day there was like my hole trip: Sunny, hot and beautiful.
Arriving in Canada

I spent a couple of hours in that plane
Like in the U.S.A. you also have to fill out a form regarding the reason why you are going to Canada and answer questions like "Do you have friends in Canada?" and "What are you doing here?", "Where do you go?" and all that annoying stuff, but anyway I arrived there after couple of hours so I dicided to answer correctly :-)
There are several things what Montreal is famous for: The Olympic stadium, Mount Royal, the Formula-One ring, the art-district and much more. Of course I visited nearly everything, but the most impressive thing were things like the skyscrapers and the underground city. But first things first, the sights and here we go:

The Olympic stadium

Les trois palais de justice

Notre-Dame de Montréal

Cathédrale Marie-Reine du Monde

Biosphére d'Environement Canada
Here are some shots I took when I was walking around there!

Skyline of Montreal from Mount Royal

Artistically Montreal

Just a skyscraper

And another one

My "colleagues" in Montreal
Mentionable in Montreal or in hole Quebec are stairways: Most of them are outside of the buildings. Regarding to the information in my book that's for saving space in the flat. Somehow a clever idea, if it is not snowing or raining!

Stairway to heaven
Couchsurfing the world
On my trip trough Canada I "couchsurfed" nearly the hole trip, except of my trip through the Rocky Mountains.

My hosts in Montreal: Isabelle, me and her brother
We also have been to a couchsurfing party of course. There I met Sharon. I explored with her the city the next day after that meeting. Maybe let's meet again somewhere in Singapore or in Europe or somewhere else?

Sharon and me at a couchsurfing meeting in Montreal
Overall conclusion

Hanging around in Montreal
Montreal was my first city in Canada, my impression was impressive :-) People are very helpful, the skyline is amazing and it was fun to explore the city. The tourist office there is really good and helpful, the map you get there is perfect!
After watching "The Happening" in the cinema, I took the nightbus to Toronto...

Nightbus from Montreal to Toronto - I spent almost seven hours there...
In the morning, I woke up in Toronto!