On this trip I made so many new friends and I would say thank you to all of them. Like thank you for hosting me, thanks for showing arround, thanks for offering a ride and last but not least thank you for your good company! I supposed to travel alone, but in fact, I never was. So this blog entry is a kind of dedication for all of those new friends I now have. Unfortunately I don't have pictures of all of my new friends - Even within 2.500 pictures :- (
This is my "Hall of fame" of people I met on my trip. I orded the pictures by date I met those guys :-)

Isabelle and her brother - Montreal, Quebec

Sharon from Singapore - Met in Montreal on CS Meeting

Me and my host in Toronto: Tim (from Australia)
![Tim and James in a "flag-attack" [Austria "against" Canada] :-)](/Library/Blog/2673/Toronto.jpg)
Tim and James in a "flag-battle" [Austria "against" Canada] :-)

Met Andrea (from Brussels) in Niagara Falls, same T-Shirt as my cap

In Vancouver: "co-surfer" Josh and my hostess Marika and me

Celebrating the longest day in the year with friends of Marika

Co-surfer Josh (from Portland, USA) and me

Festival in Squamish with friends from Marika

Alicia and me

Axel from Germany (he offerd me a ride in his recreational vehicle to Tofino), Jennifer from Taiwan and again me

The "Moose" gang. With them I was travelling through the National Parks and the Rockies

Annie "instantly" showed me arround in Calgory, after asking for the right way!

My hostess in Ottawa Deanna, me and her friend Colleen

Anthony "party organizer" in Ottawa and me

Yasmeen and Michael

Canada day with friends of Deanna!

CS in Trois-Rivieres with my former guest and my hostess there: Katlyn and her friends Marie, Philippe

My-Linh hosted me in Quebec-City!