At the beginning Copenhagen wasn't on my list "Places I'd like to visit soon". The main reason going there was in fact of the cheap flight to Denmark. But soon, Copenhagen turned out to be a really cool place! As Denkmark was my first state of Scandinavia I was looking forward to it how live is up in the north...
My story
I decided somehow "by accident" to go to Copenhagen! Why by accident? Well usually I wanted to go somewhere else, but then I found a cheap flight for those days, and that actually was the main reason :-) As I can say now: It wasn't a wrong decision to go there!
At the beginning, the weather wasn't the best: It was rainy and windy. The landing procedure was really exciting, because the wind was thrilling the plane very heavily. Hardly to believe that the landing was soft and comfortable, that was the reason why the passengers applauded for the save landing (that's only common on chartertrips!).
After that little thrill, every native German-speaking person had to start smiling when arriving at the airport arrival center, because of that sign:

Ankomst / Arrival ("Ankomst" sounds very simular to the German word "Ankommen", but somehow funny)
As I was using CouchSuring again, this was my host in Copenhagen:

Troels from Copenhagen and my host.
About the city Copenhagen - My first day

Me in Danmark
As already written, the beginng was rainy, but didn't held me off to do some sightseeing in the capitol city of Denmark.

Runde Tarn - A look-out in the center of Copenhagen. Regrettably I couldn't get on

Just a nice little kiosk

Palace hotel at town hall square

City hall of Copenhagen
As in Vienna the famous "Prater", Copenhagen has also a famous amusement park: It is called "Tivoli". But it's not open during winter.

Entrance to Tivoli

Circus close to Tivoli

A colorful cinema. (I've been there for watching 10.000 BC in english with danish subtitles)
After a small walk, I arrived at the Castle Christiansborg. Regrettably the pinnacle was covered.

Castle Christiansborg

Royally library
Like in Amsterdam (article in german), also people from Copenhagen like their bike. But they are not welcome everywhere :-)

No bike - a good try.

Old exchange (Borsen)

Kikolaj kirke
Day two in Scandinavia
On friday I decided to visit Sweden, Malmö, which is in the east of Copenhagen. I was going there by train by crossing the worlds longest combined car/train cable-stayed bridge. Read more about it in my article about Malmö: Visiting Malmö (Sweden)
When I came back, my host was invited to dinner to friend of him. As I was allowed to come with him, I was really happy about this invitation! After dinner, we went to cinema (the one already mentioned): Kino: 10.000 BC (article in german).
As the cinema was close to Tivoli, that picture is showing me in front of it at night:

Dominik in front of Tivoli

Dansk Industri (a kind of "Wirtschaftskammer", chamber of economy)
I was visiting some pubs with my host in the cinter center. It was interessting that even the danish barkeeper(s) didn't know drinks like "Malibu-Orange" or "Gin Fizz". I had to tell them how to make them. I didn't expect that, seems that Danish people drink only "Carlsbourg-Ol" (=beer) :-)
Day three
On saturday, I continued my sightseeing tour in Copenhagen.

Rosenberg Slot - Here you find the danish crown jewels

Entrance to "Kastellet", a fort on a stellar island

The town's landmark: The Little Mermaid statue

Me in front of the The Little Mermaid statue (and some industry in the back)

Amalienborg Palace - The winter home of the Danish royal family

Secured by a Danish guard
Close to the palace, on the other riverside is the new Opera House of Copenhagen

Opera House of Copenhagen

Frederik's Church
The Nyhaven street. Nice place to visit, there you will find many restaurants and shops

Nyhaven street

Theatre of Copenhagen

Vor Frelsers Kirke

A woman feeding gull

A big cargo ship

Sunset in Copenhagen
In the evening my host Troels made a big and great Hawaii party in his flat

One of dozens of pictures of the party.
Troels also seems to have friendly neighbours, because it was really loud and long party :-)
It was really a great organized and cool party with nice girls and boys arround all over the world.
Overall experience

Looking back on the past few days, I must say it was really a cool trip to Denmark with lot of fun and many new friends. And I even met a girl from Krakow CS party (article about Kraków) by accident again in Copenhagen - The world is small!
You can compare this city with Amsterdam (except of the cofe shops).