Saturday night, I went to the monthly Viennese "Stammtisch" with my CS-Surfers Niki (Hungary) and Darek (Poland), as well as Iwona L, Christoph E, his girlfriend Silvia V and Andreas B. It was really interessting again to meet so many new people. Regrettably I couldn't stay longer, because the next day started very early in the morning, so my friend Andreas helped out somehow and guided Niki and Darek saftly to my place! My guests were very sympatric persons, hope to see them soon.

The hole guesthouse was reservated for Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing People in U6, in front: Niki from Hungary and Darek from Poland

Silvia, Christoph and Matej from Bratislava

Actually Couchsurfing is not a dating plattform, but sometimes...

Niki, Darek, Iwona

Myself, Silvia, Chirstoph, Matej

Picture of the crowd

Picture of the crowd

Picture of the crowd

Niki, Darek, myself, Andy, Silvia, Christoph